Yoshigasaki Sensei, our Doshu, disappeared prematurely two months ago. A page of tributes has been devoted to him. In more than 40 years, he has developed his own aikido school, Ki no Kenkyukai International, now bringing together almost 200 dojos in more than 20 countries, mainly in Europe.
In 1983 I participated in my first seminar with Yoshigasaki Sensei in Marseille. I will introduce myself in a future post. Since that date, I have participated in seminars in Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Holland, Russia, Belgium, Switzerland (I must have forgotten some). Currently, all these dojos are thinking and imagining the future of our school.
From Montpellier, the only way to pay homage to his teaching is to create a dojo.
In these times of pandemics, the “physical” dojos are closed. But a dojo is more than a place or a room, it is above all a group. It is still possible to practice outdoors. In small groups and respecting the rules of social distancing: so this is limited to the practice of kenkodo or, for example, to basics bokken or jo practice.
The only risk in trying to create a dojo is to be successful.
More information to come. Contact kiaikidomontpellier@gmail.com